Modern Psalmist: My Thoughts Scribbled Into A Piece Of Writing...

Über mich

"Über mich" is a German phrase for "About Me"
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Modern Psalmist: My Thoughts Scribbled Into A Piece Of Writings...

This is where I share my spiritual values, views about my family, aspiration, and even reveries. Surely, my entries will expose my strong points, impuissance, and vulnerability.
Here are a few reasons why I am facing life boldly:
First, I am not ashamed to show my brokeness and imperfection because God loves me unconditionally.
Second, I choose to see the glass half-full...focus on the rose and not on the thorns... know the sun is shining behind the dark clouds... and is certain that there is a rainbow after the rain... So, I rejoice because God is good all the time.
Lastly, the Bible says in Matthew 7:11 that God gives good things to those who ask. According to Zac Smith (in his testimony before he died): 

"God cannot give me a bad gift. And it is through that lense I can say that cancer {is the best thing} that has ever happened to me."...
In the same way, God allows the testing of our faith because it develops perseverance (James 1:3); and, "These (problems) have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed ( 1 Pet. 1: 7)
~ maLyth ❤❣❦✿❀★
Postscript: German language is dear to me because one of my Spiritual Moms is a German. She (including her husband and 2 children) used to be a missionary of New Tribes Ministries (NTM)...

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